Another busy term is coming to an end and it is fair to say that our School Concert has definitely been the highlight. The theme was based on embracing the different countries and cultures that make up this world. The grade 5’s began researching, planning and practising since term 2 and worked wonderfully together, to celebrate the diverse and lively country of Brazil. Brazil is known for its soccer success in the World Cup. I would like to thank all the students who participated, for doing such an amazing job and also the parents for their support and encouragement.

The following are the answers to the riddles:

What did the crowd shout when the ghost flew into the net?
Answer: BOO!
By Mahdi Al-Mousawy

What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon and 3 legs at night?
Answer: A human.
By Mehak Ahmed

What has keys but doesn’t fit in a doors’ keyhole?
Answer: A keyboard.
By Ayshanur Sheriff

Why is the longest nose 11 inches?
Answer: Anything over 11 inches is a foot.
By Miss Avan

Wishing you all a peaceful holiday,

Miss Funda Avan
Grade 5 Teacher